Elmhurst is a neighborhood in Queens, New York. Many middle-class and working class families call Elmhurst home. Elmhurst real estate encompasses individual homes as well as apartment buildings and co-ops. Many Latin and Asian immigrants live in Elmhurst, making it the most ethnically diverse neighborhood in Queens. Fifty seven different languages are spoken in this neighborhood.
The majority of Elmhurst residents live in a family home. There are several Elmhurst real estate companies that rent and sell these homes to the city's occupants. Those moving to the area have a large selection of apartment buildings to choose from, most of which are anywhere from four to six stories. The condos in Elmhurst are newer than most of the apartment buildings in the neighborhood. A few blocks in Elmhurst boast row houses from the early 20th century.
Beginning in 2000, many older houses in Elmhurst were torn down to make room for multi-family houses. This was done because two of these houses could be placed on the same amount of land as each older house occupied. The construction of these multi-family homes has made many streets more congested than they were in the past.
Single family homes in Elmhurst start at $700,000 while two-family homes start at $800,000, three-family homes start at $900,000 and co-ops start at $180,000. Apartment rentals range from $900 a month up to $1500 a month or more, depending on the number of bedrooms.
Asking Price Realty is one Elmhurst real estate company that lists both residential and commercial properties that can be rented or bought. They deal with co-ops, single and multi-family homes and condos. This real estate company has agents and brokers that are prepared to work with their clients to get them the best home for their needs.
To get Pre-Approved for a mortgage in Elmhurst call 718-520-4000 or visit MortgageDepot.com
ML# :3528012 Please be advised this is a condo parking space only! Indoor parking!
87-12 Grand Avenue Unit GAR3, Elmhurst, NY, 11373
ML# :3536572 Selling property (building) Only, not include business!Excellent location at the heart of elmhurst, great investment mixed use well kept brick building. It built in 2004, has size 18.34x43. The 1st floor is a dental office store ($4200/monthly), the 2nd floor is 3bed 1 bath apartment ($2200/m), the 3rd and 4th floors are 3 bed 1 bath apartments (both $2400/m). Heating is separated!Only Walk 3 minutes to subway and nearby the major highway, the supermarket cross street, convenience to all!
85-27 Broadway Unit 4, Elmhurst, NY, 11373
ML# :3412464 approx 600SF Medical Office Space for lease on prime location. It was a Dentist Office. Call today.
83-40 Britton Avenue Unit P1, Elmhurst, NY, 11373